Steven Stuber
President, Stuber Technologies Inc.
I am an Engineering Physics graduate from UBC and I run my own business in tech. I have been involved in software design, industrial automation/robotics, nuclear medicine, web design, machinery design, embedded software, electronics/power electronics, and electric vehicle design. I have a personal interest in rock climbing, acro yoga, Japanese culture and language, and electronics. Please check out some of the projects I have worked on.

Vessel Monitoring Project
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Bison Animation Project
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Robotic Violin Project
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Up 'The Goat' at Marble Canyon Provincial Park
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African Drumming (Djembe)
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Teaching Acro Yoga
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Aluminum Machining Robot Project
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Robotic Welding Project
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Home DIY Projects
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Balloon-Assisted Quadrotor Robot
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Camera Control Research Project
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Autonomous Competition Robot Project
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